Results for 'S. De Cesare'

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  1.  36
    Values in evolutionary biology: a comparison between the contemporary debate on organic progress and Canguilhem’s biological philosophy.Silvia De Cesare - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-20.
    The aim of this paper is to make a comparison and build up a dialogue between two different philosophical approaches to values in evolutionary biology. First, I present the approach proposed by Alexander Rosenberg and Daniel McShea in their contribution to the contemporary debate on organic progress. i.e. the idea that there has been some kind of improvement concerning organisms over the history of life. Discussing organic progress raises the question of what “better” exactly means. This requires an explicit clarification (...)
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  2.  13
    Separation of Concerns: Techniques, Issues and Implications.A. Daga, S. De Cesare & M. Lycett - 2006 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 15 (1-4):153-176.
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    Ockham on the Puzzle of Prophecy and Future Contingency.César Reigosa Soler - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (4):567-592.
    Are these claims compatible: the future is contingent, and yet prophecies reveal the future? William of Ockham argues that they are in _Tractatus de praedestinatione_ (q.1, d.8) and in the _Fourth Quodlibet_ (q.4). But his two solutions to the puzzle of how prophecy and future contingency can be reconciled face significant objections that seem to undermine Ockham’s theory of future contingents. In this paper, I argue that the relevant objections lose their force once Ockham’s views on prophecy are properly understood. (...)
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  4. Entre la dyade du Philèbe et l'infini : l'intinéraire philosophique de Gadamer.Donatella Di Cesare - 2010 - In Christopher Gill & François Renaud, Hermeneutic philosophy and Plato: Gadamer's response to the Philebus. Sankt Augustin: Academia.
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  5.  53
    Entre Corpos, Danças e Educações: Uma Experiência Infantil.Mayra Giovaneti de Barros & César Donizetti Pereira Leite - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-28.
    This paper is the result of reflections inspired by observing and participating in dancing sessions with children. Our experience of the latter led to the production of images that provoked a variety of questions, and invited us to think about the relationships between bodies, dance, and various forms of education. Among these questions were: what clues about the experience of human embodiment are given through observing children’s dance? What can children teach us through participating with them in this performative medium, (...)
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  6.  48
    The Effect of Negative Message Framing on Green Consumption: An Investigation of the Role of Shame.Cesare Amatulli, Matteo De Angelis, Alessandro M. Peluso, Isabella Soscia & Gianluigi Guido - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):1111-1132.
    Despite society’s increasing sensitivity toward green production, companies often struggle to find effective communication strategies that induce consumers to buy green products or engage in other environmentally friendly behaviors. To add clarity to this situation, we investigated the effectiveness of negative versus positive message framing in promoting green products, whereby companies highlight the detrimental versus beneficial environmental consequences of choosing less versus more green options, respectively. Across four experiments, we show that negatively framed messages are more effective than positively framed (...)
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  7.  50
    Popular Autonomy and Imperial Power in Bartolus of Saxoferrato: An Intrinsic Connection.Floriano Jonas Cesar - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):369-381.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Popular Autonomy and Imperial Power in Bartolus of Saxoferrato:An Intrinsic ConnectionFloriano Jonas CesarI. IntroductionBartolus of Saxoferrato is well known because of his ideas on the autonomy of the populus or civitas.1 He asserts that the populus can claim autonomous jurisdiction as a result not only of imperial concession but also of prescription, custom, or even eventual use on the ground of a de facto situation. Thus, the populus needs (...)
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  8.  4
    The Cartesian Method and Its Logic.César Augusto Battisti - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 60:e20514465.
    This text examines the determining characteristics of Descartes' methodological way of thinking. The first concerns the little importance Descartes attributed to the demonstrative expedient and its absorption into acquiring knowledge. The second is that the Cartesian method is resolutive rather than deductive, with knowledge generated by solving difficulties and problems. The third refers to the constitutive stages of resolution, summarized by the operations of analysis and construction. The fourth relates to Descartes' use of the unknown so that an epistemic structure (...)
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  9.  15
    Entre erros férteis e verdades anódinas: sobre “Foucault, a arqueologia e as palavras e as coisas: cinquenta anos depois”, de Ivan Domingues.Cesar Candiotto - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):109-126.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an appreciation of Michel Foucault’s The Order of Things reception, from the latest book by Ivan Domingues entitled “Foucault, a arqueologia e As palavras e as coisas: cinquenta anos depois” (Ed. UFMG, 2023). One of the scopes of the book is to examine the range of The Order of Things and its archaeological strategy to account for the presentation of the birth of human sciences, as well as its fragility and instability in (...)
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  10.  36
    Uma Torah anti-hedonista em Fílon de Alexandria.Cesar Motta Rios - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (39):1630-1657.
    The Hebrew Bible does not present the pleasure as a problem. Nevertheless, the relationship with Greek philosophical tradition made it possible to Jewish interpreters to relate their Sacred Book to the question of the pleasure. In Philo of Alexandria the Torah is directly involved in a radical opposition to hedonism. In this article, I observe the way this opposition takes place in Philo’s writing, and I suggest that it is an opposition of discourses motivated not only by the resistance to (...)
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  11.  48
    Narrative Structures and Literary History.Cesare Segre & Rebecca West - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):271-279.
    In this article, I am starting with a question which many years ago was at the center of the debate on structuralism. Are structures to be found in the object or in the subject ? If we take one of the famous analyses by Jakobson, we ascertain that as long as attention is brought to bear on the graphemic or phonological elements, or on rhymes and accents, then the objectivity of the examination is incontestable. The absolute or relative computation of (...)
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  12.  18
    Taking Mermin's Relational Interpretation of QM Beyond Cabello's and Seevinck's No-Go Theorems.Christian de Ronde, Raimundo Fernández Mouján & Massri Cesar - unknown
    In this paper we address a deeply interesting debate that took place at the end of the last millennia between David Mermin, Adan Cabello and Michiel Seevinck, regarding the meaning of relationalism within quantum theory. In a series of papers, Mermin proposed an interpretation in which quantum correlations were considered as elements of physical reality. Unfortunately, the very young relational proposal by Mermin was too soon tackled by specially suited no-go theorems designed by Cabello and Seevinck. In this work we (...)
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  13.  22
    Francis Bacon and the Institutions for the Promotion of Knowledge and Innovation.Cesare Pastorino - 2013 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 2 (1):9-32.
    This paper analyzes Francis Bacon’s observations on institutions for the advancement of knowledge and technical innovation. Early references to establishments for the promotion of knowledge can be found initial in Bacon’s early works, in the 1590s. Bacon’s journey to France in the second half of the1570s played a role in shaping these early conceptions. In particular, Bacon was likely acquainted with Jaques Gohory’s Lycium philosophal and Nicholas Houel’s Maison de Charité Chrétienne. In the period following the composition of The Advancement (...)
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  14.  13
    Fenomenologia e Educação na perspectiva de Creusa Capalbo.Constança Terezinha Marcondes César - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):555-564.
    Fenomenologia e Educação na perspectiva de Creusa Capalbo Resumo: Creusa Capalbo fez seu doutorado em Filosofia na Universidade Católica de Louvain. Faleceu em 2017, aos 83 anos, e deixou uma obra centrada na meditação sobre Fenomenologia e Ciências Humanas. Editou um livro com esse título, cujo sexto capítulo aborda o tema Fenomenologia e Educação. Mostrando invulgar erudição e fazendo a crítica de pensadores que reduzem a educação à adequação ou à revolta contra a sociedade industrial, Creusa Capalbo entende que o (...)
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  15.  29
    Alguien lo sabe. Desvelo trascendental y dativo de manifestación en-off como voz narrativa.César Moreno - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:207.
    Tras reconocer el papel decisivo que juega en el pensamiento husserliano la intersubjetividad en su estructura trascendental, y, respecto a la Einfühlung y la Fremderfahrung, el importante papel que desempeña la Umfiktion, el presente artículo desarrolla la posibilidad experiencial y de senti-do que supone ese extraño personaje que es la Voz Narrativa heterodiegética. En concreto, la Voz Narrativa como Otro subsidiario en el caso de que los personajes duerman o hayan muerto. Esto permite pensar al Testigo como dativo de manifestación (...)
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  16.  47
    Hegel, Rawls e o tema da reconciliação.César Augusto Ramos - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (1):25-42.
    O propósito deste artigo é analisar as relações de Rawls com o pensamento político de Hegel – considerado pelo primeiro como um “liberalismo da liberdade” – no que diz respeito ao tema da reconciliação. Primeiramente, vamos analisar o conceito hegeliano de reconciliação. Em segundo lugar, procederemos a uma leitura de alguns aspectos da teoria rawlsiana a partir deste conceito para, finalmente, destacar a valorização do mesmo na obra de Rawls. Tratase, portanto, de verificar de que forma a recepção crítica do (...)
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  17.  21
    Michel Foucault: As lutas em torno do poder E a dinástica do Saber.Cesar Candiotto - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135):659-675.
    RESUMO Neste artigo, objetivamos explorar os cruzamentos entre as lutas empreendidas por Michel Foucault no início dos anos setenta e o desenvolvimento de conceitos, como os de sobressaber e sobrepoder no curso "Théories et institutions pénales", a fim de entender como a insurreição dos saberes sujeitados, mencionada em "Il faut défendre la société", pode ser também identificada nos movimentos operários e em outras formas de luta, diante do excesso de saber posto ao serviço da concentração e burocratização do poder. Propomo-nos (...)
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  18.  19
    Histoire et décision dans les traités de l’Ereignis.César Gómez Algarra - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):55-75.
    History and Decision in Heidegger’s Private Writings: The animal historicum and the Da-sein In this paper, we aim to reconstruct Heidegger’s critique of the modern conception of subjectivity, history and freedom, as it appears in his posthumous writings and in the Black Notebooks of the 1930’s and 1940’s. In order to do so, we will examine the meaning of decision ( Entscheidung ) and its links with the history of Be-ing ( Geschichte des Seyns ). Our first section will be (...)
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  19.  38
    Aristóteles e o sentido político da comunidade ante o liberalismo.Cesar Augusto Ramos - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):61-77.
    O caráter comunitário da filosofia de Aristóteles resulta das diversas formas de análise da política que o filósofo apresenta na articulação dos seguintes aspectos: a tese de que o ser humano é um animal político; o modo como esta é realizada na comunidade política, na qual o logos se manifesta como atividade discursiva compartilhada; o cultivo de determinadas virtudes ético-políticas presentes na convivência humana, sobretudo, a amizade; a autossuficiência do cidadão e o seu vínculo com a autarquia da comunidade política. (...)
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  20.  9
    Linguagem e Meditação: Considerações de Um Corredor de Longas Distâncias.César Fernando Meurer Meurer - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (13):55-67.
    Can a lonely long-distance run instantiate a meditation? Based on personal experience with running, I develop an affirmative answer to this question. First, I distinguish contemplation from meditation, proposing that the former is a non-reflexive activity focused on the monitoring of one’s own body, and that the latter is a reflexive activity that includes a “self” in memories of episodes from the personal past as well as in episodic counterfactual thoughts and in episodic future thinking. Next, I suggest that meditation, (...)
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  21.  65
    As duas faces do conceito hegeliano de liberdade e a mediação da categoria do reconhecimento.Cesár Augusto Ramos - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (3):29-58.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the theoretical status of the hegelian concept of freedom as “being with oneself in one’s other”, as well as the mediation of the category of recognition in the relationship between the objective and subjective face that this concept portrays. In this perspective, no legitimate relations of domination and coercion are rejected on behalf of a intersubjective concept of freedom. The aim is also to highlight the important elements in the hegelian philosophy to (...)
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  22.  61
    Rawls, Hegel e o liberalismo da liberdade.Cesar Augusto Ramos - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (1):41-65.
    Este artigo procura examinar a avaliação de Rawls acerca de alguns aspectos da filosofia política de Hegel. Rawls interpreta Hegel como um liberal de mente moderadamente reformista, e seu liberalismo é um importante exemplar na história do liberalismo da liberdade. Pretendemos, primeiramente, examinar o estatuto do liberalismo de Hegel, particularmente a questão da liberdade individual. Em segundo lugar, apresentamos alguns aspectos do entendimento de Rawls acerca deste liberalismo. A plausibilidade da filosofia política de Hegel é questionada, quando Rawls analisa a (...)
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  23.  43
    Reglas sociales y comportamiento prudencial en la teoría laboral del valor.César Rendueles - 2011 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 44:77-88.
    In marxian economic theory value is an underlying magnitude. Hence Marx’s critics have denounced it systematically as a metaphysical hypothesis. This essay suggests a twofold justification strategy. First, puts forward value in intensional terms, as a social collection related to a social rule. second, analyzes transformation problem as an impossibility theorem.
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  24.  3
    A moldura megárica do Teeteto de Platão.Cesar Augusto Mathias de Alencar - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-37.
    O diálogo Teeteto sempre ocupou lugar de destaque, compreendido geralmente como pertencente à fase mais madura de Platão. Uma inquietação, quase nunca analisada a fundo, está na conversa entre Euclides de Mégara e seu companheiro Térpsion que abre o Teeteto, caracterizando-o como um escrito pertencente ao filósofo megárico, cuja tradição de ensino era denunciada por sua dialética erística. Por que então Euclides, autor do Teeteto? Nossa hipótese pretende, em vista da filosofia formulada pelo socrático de Mégara, demonstrar que Platão procurou (...)
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  25.  25
    (1 other version)Algunas Consideraciones Acerca de la Correspondencia Entre Martin Heidegger y Bernhard Welte.César Lambert - 2007 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 63:157-169.
    Este artículo examina la correspondencia entre Martin Heidegger y el teólogocristiano Bernhard Welte, correspondencia publicada en 2003. Se pregunta por larelación intelectual que Heidegger tuvo con Welte. Distinguimos tres niveles: elinterés de Heidegger por la Teología; la lectura, por parte de Heidegger, de algunosescritos de Welte; y un caso de discusión concerniente a la interpretación deautores de la tradición filosófica y su lugar en la historia de la filosofía.This article analizes the correspondence between Martin Heidegger and theChristian theologian Bernhard Welte, (...)
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  26.  15
    No todo alemán es como Angela Merkel.César Ernesto Arenas Ulloa - 2022 - Metanoia 7 (1):40-58.
    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar las características principales de la propuesta estética del director alemán Thomas Ostermeier (Soltau, 1968), poco conocido en el contexto peruano, pero de gran vigencia en el panorama actual de la dirección europea. Ostermeier es director artístico del Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz de Berlín y ganador del Leone d’oro por la carrera artística de la Bienal de Venecia. Asimismo, ha puesto en escena casi medio centenar de obras tanto de autores clásicos como contemporáneos. El (...)
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  27.  20
    Críticas inmanentes al pensamiento de Jürgen Habermas: la teoría de la lucha por el reconocimiento y la ética de la razón cordial.César Ortega - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (1):135-155.
    El presente artículo trata de presentar los modelos teóricos de Axel Honneth y Adela Cortina —teoría de la lucha por el reconocimiento y ética de la razón cordial, respectivamente— como una respuesta crítica a algunas deficiencias localizadas en la teoría de la acción comunicativa y la ética del discurso habermasiana. Tras exponer los elementos más importantes de los modelos de Habermas, sistematizaré algunos de los problemas fundamentales que se derivan de ellos. En segundo lugar, reconstruiré el significado de la teoría (...)
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  28.  23
    From Logic Towards the Mystical: the Appearance of Mysticism in Wittgenstein’s Writings.Rodrigo César Castro Lima - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):50-66.
    Meu objetivo aqui é o de abordar os escritos iniciais de Wittgenstein com base na tradição do misticismo filosófico. O benefício de minha leitura se deve ao fato de permitir uma certa clarificação no que tange a determinadas passagens obscuras, além de trazer à tona perspectivas inexploradas concernentes ao período inicial do autor; fase esta que, em minha opinião, ainda requer um nível de escrutínio adicional.Entendo que especialmente no caso do Tractatus, Wittgenstein não incida no místico por conta de uma (...)
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  29.  20
    SANDEL, Michael: The Tyranny of Merit. What’s Become of the Common Good?César Arjona Sebastiá - 2023 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 38.
    SANDEL, Michael: The Tyranny of Merit. What’s Become of the Common Good?
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    Alba Rico, S.: Las reglas Del caos.César Rendueles - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 31:251.
    This essay analyzes the functional explanation’s defence that G. A. Cohen advanced on the occasion of his updating of the main thesis of the historical materialism theory and suggests and alternative. Cohen put forward a law-like version of the functional explanation based on the dispositional features of some typical social science’s statements. This essay, on the contrary, advances a way for interpreting functional explanations as identity assertions in the extensionally vague –but no immediately intensional– contexts typical both of naive daily (...)
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  31.  14
    A Fruitful Exchange/conflict: Engineers and Mathematicians in Early Modern Italy.Cesare S. Maffioli - 2013 - Annals of Science 70 (2):197-228.
    Summary Exchanges of learning and controversies between engineers and mathematicians were important factors in the development of early modern science. This theme is discussed by focusing, first, on architectural and mathematical dynamism in mid 16th-century Milan. While some engineers-architects referred to Euclid and Vitruvius for improving their education and argued for an institutional reform of their profession, Girolamo Cardano and other mathematicians explained the De architectura and studied the inventions of the arts. Attention is drawn, then, to the entrance in (...)
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  32. Entre philosophie et littérature: la phénoménologie?Cesare Del Mastro, Jean Leclercq, Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner & Jorge Wiesse (eds.) - 2023 - Louvain-La-Neuve. Belgique: Presses universitaires de Louvain.
    Les livres qui proposent, en littérature, des lectures phénoménologiques et, en phénoménologie, des lectures littéraires, comme ceux qui, plus généralement en philosophie, engagent des phénoménologies de la littérature ou de l'œuvre littéraire sont aussi nombreux que ceux qui interrogent la phénoménologie et la littérature, ou la littérature et la phénoménologie. Ce volume, unique en son genre, a pris une option très spécifique, qui est une sorte de perspectivisme : interroger la position d'entre-deux du phénoménologue et, à travers lui en sa (...)
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  33.  20
    História e Teologia nos Escritos Pascalianos de Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Luís César Guimarães Oliva - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):88-97.
    In the 1990s, Franklin Leopoldo e Silva wrote several articles on the question of history from the Pascalian point of view. This article intends to resume these texts, showing how they present a complex and structured view on the subject. Reflecting on Pascal’s theological discussions, Leopoldo e Silva shows us how the French philosopher paves the way for a renewed conception of historicity.
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    Do Presente ao Passado: A Metafísica das Atribuições de Lembrança.César Schirmer dos Santos - forthcoming - Dissertatio.
    In this essay, I explore the question concerning truthmakers for attributions of memory of events, which I express with the schema “S remembers E”. To answer this question, I distinguish remembering in the descriptive sense, which is based on subjective experience, from remembering in the normative sense, which requires some correspondence with actual past events. As a method of approaching attributions of memory, I will use the method of cases. Based on this method, I address the metaphysical problem of the (...)
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    El análisis de la muerte según Bernhard Welte Consideraciones fenomenológicas.César Lambert Ortíz - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 30:47-64.
    El texto trata del acceso fenomenológico a la muerte. El punto de partida de la reflexión está constituido por la descripción de la muerte que hace Bernhard Welte como un momento en el cual el ser humano alcanza su totalidad. Así, cuando se considera a una persona fallecida, experimentamos una transfiguración en su imagen, de tal modo que el momento de la muerte puede ser calificado como un instante numinoso y sacro. Si se compara esta descripción con el análisis que (...)
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    The ethics of killing human/great-ape chimeras for their organs: a reply to Shaw et al.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):215-225.
    The aim of this paper is to critically examine David Shaw, Wybo Dondorp, and Guido de Wert’s arguments in favour of the procurement of human organs from human/nonhuman-primate chimeras, specifically from great-ape/human chimeras. My main claim is that their arguments fail and are in need of substantial revision. To prove this I first introduce the topic, and then reconstruct Shaw et al.’s position and arguments. Next, I show that Shaw et al.: (1) failed to properly apply the subsidiarity and proportionality (...)
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    Une pensée sans images? Phantasie et Bild dans les traités de l’histoire de l’Être.César Gómez Algarra - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:115-138.
    In his conference “The Age of the World Picture” (1938), Heidegger displays a strong criticism of the concept of image (Bild). More precisely, the German philosopher rejects any consideration of the image, as he correlates the image with the process of subjective representation (Vorstellung). At first glance, that position does not seem to change in his posthumous works written from 1930 to 1940, where Heidegger develops his Ereignis-thinking. However, a more thorough study of the writings (from the Beiträge zur Philosophie (...)
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    Does Fair Trade Compete with Carbon Footprint and Organic Attributes in the Eyes of Consumers? Results from a Pilot Study in Scotland, The Netherlands and France.Faical Akaichi, Steven de Grauw, Paul Darmon & Cesar Revoredo-Giha - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):969-984.
    Several studies on ethical and social food attributes have shown that consumers, especially in developed countries, are willing to pay a price premium for fair trade foods products. However, there is a scant literature on how consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for fair trade products are affected by the presence of other ethical food attributes. To fill this gap, a choice experiment was conducted in Scotland, the Netherlands and France to assess consumers’ preferences and WTP for ethical attributes, i.e., (...)
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  39.  13
    É a metafísica uma ciência a priori ou a posteriori? Suárez e a fundamentação da metafísica.César Ribas Cezar - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (74):987-1016.
    É a metafísica uma ciência a priori ou a posteriori’? Suárez e a fundamentação da metafísica Resumo: Contra a interpretação de François Courtine, Rolf Darge afirma que para Francisco Suárez a metafísica é uma ciência que trata do ente entendido não como aquilo que pode ser objeto para a mente humana, mas como aquilo que é apto a existir de fato. A metafísica seria uma ciência real, entre outras razões, porque ela é uma ciência a posteriori. Este artigo pretende verificar (...)
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  40. The characterization of the sphere of temperance in EN III.10.Bernardo César Diniz Athayde Vasconcelos - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 24:207-227.
    Our article deals with Aristotle’s account of the sphere of temperance in the Nicomachean Ethics. The goal is to provide a detailed analysis of NE III.10 in order to identify the difficulties this chapter presents us with and to introduce and discuss the interpretations set forth by the secondary literature. Of special interest to us are Aristotle’s intense dialogue with Plato; the difficulty in understanding touch as the most common of the senses and Aristotle’s severe judgment of the pleasures of (...)
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  41.  18
    Apocalyptic theodicy. Contributions for a sociodicea.César O. Carbullanca N. - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48:195-223.
    Resumen A partir de la formulación weberiana de teodicea, esta pesquisa sostendrá la centralidad de la cuestión de la teodicea para la religión. No obstante, la definición weberiana de teodicea presenta problemas para su aplicación a textos de la antigüedad, pues, a juicio de Sarot, la teodicea sería un fenómeno moderno que marcaría una nueva manera de pensar sobre el mal. A partir de lo cual, el artículo pasa revista a diversas teodiceas mostrando la variedad de respuestas, colocando en evidencia (...)
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    Nachweis aus Hieronymus Müller / Karl Steinhart, Platon's sämmtliche Werke (1850–1873).César Guarde-Paz - 2013 - Nietzsche Studien 42 (1).
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  43. Algumas observações introdutórias sobre o princípio de veritação.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2016 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 20 (2):201-214.
    The truth-making principle is one of the main subjects in contemporary meta- physics, and this paper is an elementar exposition of the main issues of the on-going debate. I will proceed as follows. First, I will expose the basics, including the principle’s range, the main kinds of truth-making, the main interpretations of the principle, and some applications. Second, I will expose some technical issues about ontological commitment, reification, necessity, reality, and truth.
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    Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques, Scientific Tourism, and the Global Politics of Science.Sarah Chan, César Palacios-González & María De Jesús Medina Arellano - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (5):7-9.
    The United Kingdom is the first and so far only country to pass explicit legislation allowing for the licensed use of the new reproductive technology known as mitochondrial replacement therapy. The techniques used in this technology may prevent the transmission of mitochondrial DNA diseases, but they are controversial because they involve the manipulation of oocytes or embryos and the transfer of genetic material. Some commentators have even suggested that MRT constitutes germline genome modification. All eyes were on the United Kingdom (...)
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    Editorial v.34 n.72–2020: O fim dos periódicos pode ser dito de muitas maneiras.Marcos César Seneda - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1041-1049.
    Muito se tem falado acerca de avaliação unitária do que é publicado, mas pouco se tem discutido acerca dos veículos que asseguram todo o processo de avaliação. Trata-se de um interesse ingente da época – e interesse parece uma roupa bem mais leve para encobrir a palavra moda – que recai sobre a cientometria, que é o Cíclope que domina e percorre o grande domínio da produção científica atual. Sua ingente tarefa é metrificar essa produção científica pelo número de citações. (...)
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  46. Author's response to peer commentaries: Mexico's rule of law and MRTs.César Palacios-González & María de Jesús Medina-Arellano - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (3):623–629.
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    Pragmática transcendental y filosofía social: Karl Otto Apel, Jürgen Habermas y la nueva fundamentación de la Teoría Crítica.César Ortega Esquembre - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 78:155-170.
    El objetivo de este artículo es defender que la pragmática transcendental ofrece la fundamentación normativa de la teoría crítica como teoría de la acción comunicativa. Para ello se expondrá en primer lugar el problema de la normatividad en la Teoría Crítica de la sociedad. Tras describir la forma que adquiere esta teoría tras el giro lingüístico operado por Jürgen Habermas, se reconstruirán en tercer lugar los elementos fundamentales de la pragmática transcendental apeliana y habermasiana. En cuarto y último lugar se (...)
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    Health Equity, School Discipline Reform, and Restorative Justice.Thalia González, Alexis Etow & Cesar De La Vega - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (S2):47-50.
    Every day, students from marginalized communities disproportionately face adversity and trauma. It is well documented that exposure to adverse childhood experiences can impact children's ability to focus, learn, and even regulate their emotions. Many schools, rather than providing multi-tiered systems of support to address the root causes of behavior, place these students at greater risk of experiencing health disparities through the use of exclusionary school discipline practices. ESDs not only deny students important educational opportunities, but also can compound existing social, (...)
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  49. Psychology, metaphysics and literature: the description of deep feelings in Bergson.Paulo César Rodrigues - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):81-100.
    O objetivo deste artigo é o de explorar as relações entre psicologia, metafísica e literatura, a partir do exame do Ensaio sobre os dados imediatos da consciência; mais exatamente, a partir da compreensão dos "sentimentos profundos", que representa, no Ensaio, o momento privilegiado para apreender a estrutura temporal da consciência. Porém, o presente estudo não abordará unicamente o texto de Bergson, suas descrições dos sentimentos profundos (como as emoções estéticas e morais), o que muito provavelmente seria repetitivo. O uso de (...)
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    (1 other version)Fenômeno e corporalidade em Leibniz.Luis César Guimarães Oliva - 2005 - Doispontos 2 (1).
    O problema da corporalidade em Leibniz se vincula necessariamente à discussão sobre o estatuto da matéria em uma Metafísica cuja base são as mônadas imateriais. Veremos que, neste contexto, o material deverá ser fenomênico, mas nem por isso ilusório. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar como o campo fenomênico, cujo caso exemplar é o corpo, pode ganhar um suporte metafísico e racionalmente justificado, constituindo o que Leibniz chama de fenômenos bem fundados. Para tal, deverá ser feito um exame cuidadoso da (...)
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